Why Does My Skin Absorb Foundation And How To Stop It?

One of the most troubling aspects of applying foundation is when it disappears or goes bad on you. Learning how to deal with this is one of the most important skills in applying makeup, and it is one that you need to learn.

Why does my skin absorb foundation? The reason that your skin absorbs your foundation is that it is dehydrated. Treating this dehydrated skin should keep your foundation from being absorbed.

So now that you have some idea of what causes this effect, I a sure that you are wondering exactly why it happens and, more importantly, how to fix it. Well, that is why I made this article to apply the makeup you want and look fabulous while wearing it.

Why does skin become dehydrated?

There are various reasons that your skin might become dehydrated, ranging from the amount of water that you drink to the types of products that you use. Cutting off the problem at the source is one of the most effective ways to keep your skin from absorbing your makeup.

One of the main reasons that your skin might be drying out is the products you are using. This can come in two primary forms, but the first is the types of soap or detergent that you use regularly. This can apply to any soap you use, ranging from hand soap to laundry soap. Be sure to use them lightly as their full purpose is to remove oil to keep skin clean, but oil also keeps your skin moisturized.

Another factor that contributes to dry skin is the products that you use for fragrance. Depending on the type of fragrance they use in the soap or conditioner, it can cause a chemical reaction that creates dry skin. It is possible to avoid products with these in them, and then you won’t have to worry about this reaction on your skin.

Another thing that you should be careful of is if you are being exposed to heavy water in your home. Heavy water is bad for you in general, but when it hits your skin’s oil, it turns into a film. This film then clogs your pores, and of the many issues that this can cause, dry skin is one of them.

There are more causes than these, but they are more situational such as whether you inherited dry skin or something in your diet. It is easier to treat a problem when you understand what created it, so try to deduce what is causing your dry skin. When you have done that, you can move on to the next stage of this process—treating your dry skin to get rid of it.

How do I rehydrate my skin and keep it that way?

The best way for you to get rid of dry skin is to treat it, and we are going to go over a few of the best options here. This should give you some ideas of treating your dry skin to wear the foundation you want.

One of the easiest ways to treat your dry skin is to drink more water. This sounds basic when you say it out loud, but adding more liquids for your body to use than you have a higher chance of easing your dry skin. And the best way to intake these liquids is to be drinking more water.

On that same note, you should eat a lot of water-heavy food. This most often means eating fruits and vegetables to increase these supplements. Some of the best food that you can have is avocados and watermelon, as they both have a substantial amount of water in them.
Another way to prevent or reduce your dry skin is to shower in lukewarm to cool water. This will help your skin to rehydrate as hot water dries it out as it opens all of your pours. While this is not inherently a bad thing if your skin is already drying or dry, it can worsen the issue,

Interestingly enough, you can use this same effect to your advantage after applying moisturizers so that they immediately enter your pours and are absorbed into the skin. This can be a regular moisturizer or even helpful items like face masks. These are all going to help your dry skin or present it.

Be sure to take proper care of your skin as environmental factors can cause damage to your skin, and dry skin can be a result. Sun rays can be very damaging, so it is important to use sunscreen and other protectors to keep safe. This is just a good idea in general because it keeps you safe in the long run from the sun.

All of these tips should help you treat your dry skin and prevent it from happening again in the future. This is great because you don’t want to have to worry about your foundation being drained right into your face. There is another way to help with this, but we will be covering It in the next section, how to use makeup to keep your skin hydrated.

You should use a foundation that helps keep your skin hydrated.

There are a variety of cosmetics that can help keep your skin hydrated, but I am just going to focus on a few basics that will help. These will help you look your best, but they should also help with your dry skin in the long run.

Liquid foundation

Liquid foundation is an easy one to use on this list and is probably what you were using already. Liquid foundation is a good choice because it is beneficial to your skin, and that benefit only goes up if there are other ingredients or effects. Liquid foundation can also have a variety of moisturizers built right in that can help with other ingredients such as sunscreen.

The liquid foundation also benefits from giving a good amount of coverage over your skin. Giving a lush look that glows with its liquid nature can give you a healthy and beautiful look.


Face masks are a great tool in the kit for anyone who wants to take good care of their skin. It can fuse oils and vitamins into the skin to help keep it healthy. This can keep your skin from drying out and keep your skin looking young. As we discussed before, the best time to use them is after a shower, but wearing them in your off time can be effective.


Hydrators work similar to a foundation, except their full purpose, is to rehydrate the skin and act as makeup. That has been said. You won’t find that a hydrator will give you quite the same coverage as a foundation. The big benefit of it, though, is that it replenishes the water in your skin and is a great resource for people who have naturally dry skin.

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