What’s Up With Clinique Black Honey?

TikTok has become one of the fastest ways to have makeup skyrocket to the top. Mostly, it works, too, because people have found some great styles through this method. And while there is no one-size-fits-all regarding cosmetics, one of the more talked about items is Clinique Black Honey. This lip balm has generated an interesting reputation as of late and not all of it for the better. So let’s take a look and see what all of this is about.

What’s up with Clinique Black Honey? The lip balm has a mid-tier reputation and seems to have earned it. It works well enough for most, but many say that the shade is off for them and the fact it is a lip balm makes it spread too easily. These should be kept in mind when looking at Clinique Black Honey.

This seems like a good option for a lip application up front but let’s go ahead and take a deeper look at them. The is much for us to uncover, so let’s go ahead and get into it.

What Clinique Black Honey?

Clinique Black Honey is a lip balm made by Clinique and has become an internet sensation in recent years. This is because the product has gotten a big boost in attention from TikTok, of all places. Many users on the platform began using and promoting Clinique Black Honey, and its fame has just spread. This was a triumph of free marketing for the company, but they claim it is more than that.

The company promotes Clinique Black Honey as a versatile and easy-to-use application for your lips. It is described on the website as taking elements from both lipgloss and lipstick and therefore being the best of both. It is designed to give sheer coverage and a Soft-shine finish to your lips.

According to the site, these factors are combined with its unique Black Honey shade to provide a look that blends with any skin complexion. The page even says you can put this over other lip colors or just wear it alone.

This is a lot of information to just be dumped, so next. We are going to go over what the pros and cons are for this Lip balm.

What are the pros and cons of it?

Clinique Black Honey has some interesting characteristics, leading me to create a pros and cons section. We will be fair and look at the upsides and downsides of using a lip balm like this. Well, let’s go ahead and start with the positive so we can kick this off on a good track.

One of the biggest upsides to Clinique Black Honey is the fact that it is a lip balm. You can wear it alone or pair it up with another lipstick. This resilience and customization ability is a great asset for anyone’s makeup collection. It can sometimes be a hassle if you spend too long figuring out if your lip wear needs other components.

Another positive is that the shade of color that Clinique Black Honey uses is very strong. It can go with many looks if you want to strike a particular feeling. The website even said that it could match a variety of complexions, so there is even better news there.

So what are the cons of lipstick like this? A few complaints appear regularly when this lip balm is discussed. These will not happen to everyone, but they are important to bring up, so let’s get into it.

The first major downside is one that we tend to see with a lot of lip balms, and that is instability. Many lip balms are easily wiped away or wear out quickly once applied. This is not usually as fast as lipgloss but can be more noticeable due to the color. Clinique Black Honey is no exception to this rule, so keeping track of it while you are out is very important.

Another unfortunate downside to Clinique Black Honey is the Black Honey itself. This shade of color might fit with multiple complexions for many people, but unfortunately, it doesn’t work for just as many. It is common for some to say that the color is not as vivid as they would like it to be.

These aren’t deal breakers, but they come up in conversations around the lip balm. But speaking of conversation, what is said about Clinique Black Honey is what we will talk about in the next section.

What do people say about it online?

Understanding what people are saying about something online can be tenuous. Some people will love something while others will hate it, but it can be a valuable tool for an internet sensation like this. We will look at positive and negative opinions in stride as we g through the article. So let’s go ahead and see what the chatter is about Clinique Black Honey.

The majority of online conversations around Clinique Black Honey are okay. The TikTok side of it is overwhelmingly positive, as you might imagine, given that is where it started. On the forum side, it does take a small dip in popularity. It is not that people inherently dislike the product, but many struggles with the shade and consistency, as I mentioned before.

I also think the general overwhelm push this got on TikTok might be to blame. After, shoving so much of something in someone’s face doesn’t always make them love it. Especially when it is not all it is cracked up to be.

while you are here why not check out our article on if Is Lipstick Safe for me to Use?

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