What you need to know before bleaching your hair?

Bleaching your hair can easily be one of the more intense fashion decisions you ever make. Understanding it is important. You should be aware of the specifics that come up with bleaching so that you can make the right decisions. So I thought making this article act like a guide would be a good idea.

To make this easier, I have made this article into several sections to make it easier to browse and absorb the information. So if you have a specific question, skip to that section. Otherwise, let’s go ahead and get into the article.

How often can you bleach your hair?

One of the biggest things you have to figure out if you will start bleaching your hair is the timetable you will need to use. Bleach is a chemical and an extremely strong one at that, so it is very easy to go overboard with it. One of the easiest ways to go overboard is to bleach too often, and this will damage your hair.

So to avoid this fate and the damage that will reek upon your hair, remember this number, 8. You have to wait eight weeks at a bare minimum before you can bleach your hair after you have already done so. This will be about when both colors will start fading and when you can replenish that look without damaging your hair. So always keep this number in mind when you start planning your look.

Of course, you don’t have to bleach your hair every eight weeks on the dot. You just have to ensure that eight weeks have passed since the last time, so don’t do it early. If you choose to wait after the initial eight weeks, then note the date. This way, you can start the new eight-week count from that date.

We are also going to talk about times when you can bleach sooner, but this only usually for specific results. When trying to maintain a look a month or two is sufficient.

What happens if you bleach your hair too often?

Bleaching your hair too often can be a big problem for you and your hair. If you over-bleach your hair by putting too much on in one day or too much over a short period, it can cause problems. Problems like directly damaging your hair and even causing it to fall out can occur if you use too much bleach too often.

This is why the number of weeks you wait between bleaching your hair is important. The time you wait in between does much for your hair and lets it recover. After this period is when many people go ahead and apply more bleach cause their hair has grown out. This method works for most people, hence why I recommend it.

The one exception to this rule is if you are trying to get your hair to a platinum blond. This should almost never be done on the same day and should be spread out over time. Discuss with your trusted hairdresser what time frame they think would be best. If you are still unsure, research what might work best for you.

How to fix my hair if bleach turns it orange?

Of course, nothing goes perfectly every time, and of the many things that can happen with bleach is that it can turn your hair orange. Now unless you aim for the look of a clown meets sunset, you will want to get rid of this look as soon as possible. Fortunately, you can do that; some methods don’t require shaving your head.

In order to fix your orange hair, you will have to understand why it turned orange in the first place. Your hair already has color, and undertones are in that color. These undertones give your hair the total color that it has. They are also often the reason that coloring goes wrong. As an aside note, though, salt air and direct sunlight can also affect the bleaching of your hair.

The simplest way to fix your hair once it has become orange is to try and use a toner to re-correct the color. Now you can use a toner at home or go to the salon, but the simple version is that orange is fixed by blue, and yellow is fixed by purple. This can be done with either a shampoo with this color or a straight toner, but just be careful. You don’t want to dye anything. You just want to correct the color to something more aligned with your vision.

There is one other proposed way to try and fix this, and it is to bleach your hair again. Sadly this is not as good an option as it may seem, as it is the same issue with bleaching too often. This will mean you will have to wait several days to weeks until you can get the orange out this way. So I wouldn’t recommend it and, instead, go to a hairdresser or use toners.

Will my hair ever be healthy again after bleaching my hair?

While there are extremes, in most cases, your hair will recover within several days to a few weeks. This recovery period is why it is recommended that you wait between bleaching sessions. Failure to do so can devastate your hair, resulting in permanent damage.

The key aspect to this is waiting to ensure your hair is recovered enough between the bleaching sessions. Doing it too soon can create a stack of issues with your hair that can result In damage and result in potential baldness. So follow the directions and keep your hair healthy.

How many times do you have to bleach your hair to get platinum?

The amount can vary, but it is usually five times or less to get a real platinum effect in your hair. It will vary in the factor relating from the base color of your hair and its natural tones to the amount of sun exposure you get.

When trying to achieve that platinum hair looks, it is important to keep your timing in mind. It will take at least a few sessions to achieve your desired look and cannot be rushed. If you try and rush it, you will end up in the same damaged hair scenarios we have discussed.

while you are here why not check out our article on What You Need To Know About Manscaped 4.0?

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