Should Women Shave There Face?

It has been a common debate about whether women should shave their faces for some time. The funny thing is that I never knew it was a debate. I was so intrigued by this debate that I did a lot of research on the subject, and the answers I found were surprising. So let’s go ahead and take a look at the way women should remove their hair and if shaving is okay.

Should women shave their faces? Women can shave their faces. It is a valid and efficient way of removing hair from women’s faces. It doesn’t have any worse side effects than that shaving or laser hair removal.

Should a woman shave her face?

It is entirely up to you if you want to shave your face. The act of shaving your face offers a ton of benefits and has no more downsides than other methods. So the fact that many women don’t seem to shave their faces appears to be due to an unfair stigma. So let’s look at what shaving can do for women instead of waxing and why they still don’t use it.

The thing about shaving is that it is a far faster and more efficient method of getting rid of a woman’s facial hair. Especially if you don’t want to spend too much money on hair removal, you will need your razor and some patience, maybe some lotion if it is difficult. This leads to a lot of pros for this method that we will discuss a little later.

The reason that many women don’t want to shave seems to be a two-fold problem. One is that many think that shaving the face is more for men. It is not, but there is a reason for this. The second is that it makes your facial hair grow back thicker. This, thankfully, isn’t true, so that is something you won’t have to worry about. But it is also interesting that this myth may be linked back to the first.

So we will go over what you can expect to happen if you choose to shave your face.

What are the Pros and Cons?

As you can imagine, as with any beauty styling procedure, there are a number of both pros and cons for you to consider before doing it. Some of these are things you might expect, and some you wouldn’t consider. So let’s go ahead and get to the breakdown of what you can expect.


One of the biggest pros of shaving over other hair removal methods is the speed at which you can do it. You can shave your face in around ten minutes, which just beats out the amount of time you have to wax. It is also far less expensive than laser hair removal and even waxing. However, it won’t last anywhere near as long as those two options.

It is also a plus that the method is one of the easiest for you to use, literally just requiring the razor and some time. Waxing can be somewhat involved and takes time to prep, and laser removal is expensive and takes multiple sessions to take hold.

  • Fast
  • Inexpensive
  • Easy for beginners.


Now it is true that shaving has many benefits, but it does have a few downsides, and it is only fair to highlight those the same as the pros. The first of these is that it does blunt the end of your hair. This makes it rougher to touch until it fully grows out, and it can give the hairs a slightly darker tint. This is more than likely the reason that many women think it causes hair growth. This darkening of the hair, when unkempt, can look that way. This is also called a five o’clock shadow and is often associated with male shaving. The good news is that this can be dealt with by shaving more often, not a lot, just a little more than usual.

The other cons you can get with shaving are that you can cut yourself during the process. This isn’t an issue you will encounter with the other hair removal methods. Fortunately, you can usually avoid this con with a sharp razor and take your time.

The cons you can encounter are pretty common across the board for all forms of hair removal for women. You can get irritated skin from shaving, especially if you use an older razor or go against the grain. You can also get ingrown hairs from this method as you would from waxing. The last thing you must keep an eye out for is the possibility of skin infection. This can happen through shaving cuts and is common if your razor is used for other body areas. You should never use razors for your legs and armpits for your face.

  • potential stubble
  • Cuts
  • Irritated skin
  • Possibility of infection
  • Ingrown hairs

How should women shave their faces?

Now that you have both the pros and cons of face shaving, you can decide whether you want to. If you do, we will go ahead and go over the steps of shaving your face and what you will need to do it. It is not complicated, but you can frustrate yourself if you try to freestyle it.

Step 1 gather your supplies.

You will need a sharp single-blade razor to begin with. Unlike men, women do not need complicated or multi-blade razors. You may also want to get a lotion or a nice aftershave for use with this. They are not required, but they can help the process and make it smoother for you as you shave.

Step 2 prep your face

The best way to shave is with good prep that will make the process go smoothly and safely. I like to shower before shaving to soften the hair and make the skin more pliable for the shaving process. Another option is to soften it with some lotion before you begin but don’t apply too much. You still want to be able to shave.

Step 3 shave your face.

This is just as simple as its sounds. The one thing that I will say is that you should go with the grain of your hair, not against it.

step 4 enjoy your soft face

Now, look at the nice smooth face that you now have.

while you are here, why not check out our article on Is Icing Good For Your Face?

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