Is It Ok To Use Foundation Every day?​

A lot of people wonder whether it is okay to wear makeup every day. The answer is not a simple yes or no. Instead, it depends on you and the makeup that you are using. To help you navigate this tricky area, I have made this helpful guide.

Should I wear foundation every day? Foundation will not hurt you if you apply it correctly every day. It may even help protect you depending on the type you use. The key thing is to remove it when you are done for the day.

I am sure that you wonder why there is more to talk about if the foundation is helpful. The answer is that it depends on the foundation you are wearing and how you are applying. To make this process easier, I have broken this article into two distinct pieces. How foundation will help you every day and how foundation can hurt you every day. Reading through both should give you a good idea of what to do with your foundation. 

How foundation could hurt you during the day

So since I like to start with the bad news first, let’s go ahead and look at the various ways that foundation could harm you. Now I would just like to remind you that these are conditional possibilities. If you were to use the foundation and apply it the right way, there is very little chance of this happening. This section is more just to warn you about what can happen if it is used incorrectly.

With that in mind, let us go over everything from skin outbreaks to skin that can breathe.

Does foundation suffocate your skin?

This is one of the most common myths. It is one of the chief reasons people question whether they should use foundation every day. A bit goes into this idea, but in the shorthand, no, the foundation does not suffocate your skin. As many estheticians like to point out, your skin does not treat, nor does it have anything to do with your respiration system.

If that’s true, though, then why do so many people think that our skin needs to breathe? The answer can be found in what makeup used to be. Makeup today is far different from the makeup of the ’50s and especially the makeup of the ’20s. Back in those does makeup felt like a sheet that would cover your face and anything else that you applied it to. This led many people to want it off as soon as they got home and leave it off until they went out again.

Plus makeup of these eras was far more likely to have oppressive chemicals in them, including things like asbestos. While these can still be an issue today, we are far more aware of them now than people were back then. All they could think to do was not wear makeup all the time. 

So, in the end, the foundation can not suffocate your skin but can affect it. Now let’s take a look at some of the other effects it can have on your skin.

Does foundation clog pour?

This is funny because it can technically be true but is rarely a problem for most people. So let’s start with the basic idea, does makeup clog pores? Yes, it certainly can clog pour depending on the type of foundation and how heavily you apply it. The important thing to think about with this is if it clogs pores and how long they are clogged for. 

Think of it this way, say that you used a heavy foundation for a long period. Then it certainly could affect the pores and cause certain conditions like breakouts to occur. However, this is only relevant if the pores remain clogged for long periods. A two to eight-hour period alone is not going to cause this to happen to you right away. This is also why you must remove makeup when you get home, especially before going to bed.

But there is another way to help prevent the clogging of your pores. Use the right types of foundation for you. Not all foundations are made equally, and some are far better than others. Some are great for people who are prone to acne and others for people with dry skin, snd some lighter foundations won’t sit on your skin like heavier ones,

Does foundation cause you to break out?

Some foundations will cause you to have an acne breakout. The ones that are most often responsible for this use a lot of oil as their base components. The oil in the foundation then soaks into the skin and can agitate and cause an acne breakout. The good news is that you are not without foundation options if you find yourself prone to this problem.

In particular, if you struggle with oily skin and acne breakout, then I recommend they switch from a liquid to a powder one. There are two reasons that this change will be better for you. There are no oils in powder foundation, so it won’t be adding anything to your skin there. The other is that powder foundations are known to absorb oil and help reduce your chance of an oil-induced acne breakout.

So as you can see, a foundation can cause you to have a breakout, but it does not have to be that way. Pick the best one for you, and you will get far better results without all the extra problems of other foundations or makeups out there.

What about bacteria in the foundation?

So one of the main health concerns with foundation is the possibility that bacteria or germs could get into the makeup and multiply. As you can imagine, this would make the foundation unhealthy to apply to the skin. Additionally, this may cause a range of problems, from acne to eye infections. The theory is If you were to use makeup every day, then it could increase your chances of getting these issues, but that is not necessarily the case.

The best way to ensure that this does not happen to you is to follow basic health and safety protocols. Keep the foundation in an area with the appropriate temperature and humidity. Uses the proper tools to apply it and clean them after use. If you are using a foundation with your hands, wash them thoroughly before applying.

By following these simple steps, you can also help avoid many of the issues that may develop from bacteria in the foundation. Be sure to use a foundation that isn’t expired. Using expired foundations can have some similar side effects. It is best to keep an eye on the date of your foundation. With these simple tips, you can avoid so many issues that people struggle with.

I hope that this section has helped explain some of the issues that you might face with foundation every day and how to deal with them. We do have other articles to help with other foundation issues here. These will just help you getter better at applying foundation and keeping safe using it.

Now that is enough about what can affect you negatively if you were to wear foundation every day. Now it is time to talk about how wearing foundation every day can help you and your skin.

How foundation can help you every day

So we previously talked about some of the issues that you might have if you were to wear makeup every day, but there are benefits to it. Now the benefits of wearing makeup every day can be just as pronounced if not more so as the drawbacks. Plus, in many of these cases, the benefits will accumulate. The more times you wear a certain type of foundation the better.

There are many types of foundation as well as many types of benefits that these may grant you. I picked three of the more prominent features that I see on many foundations to give the best perspective. These are the only benefits, but at least one should be found in the type you are using.

Foundation Moisturizes and hydrates your skin

So today, most foundations are going to have moisturizers or hydrators built in. This makes taking care of your skin much easier. Now your foundation will only have one of the two, but that is okay because you probably only need one of the two at a time. We will now go over each and what either one can do for you.

A hydrator has one basic purpose, and that is to put water back into the skin. As you are going about your day, you are constantly sweating and losing water, even worse if you have naturally dry skin. You should always drink water to restore what is lost, but that doesn’t always help your skin, so to help your skin alone, you can apply a hydrator.

This will put water right back into the skin to restore what was lost.

Now a hydrator only puts water back into the skin with no other benefits, so if you want to make it hold moisture, you will need a moisturizer. These use a variety of oils or formulas depending on the brand you are using that get into the skin. When this enters the skin, it rejuvenates and moisturizes the cells there. This makes them better able to hold moisture and prevents dry skin from becoming an issue. 

Both of these are common effects that are added to foundations to make them more effective. If you suffer from dry skin, it may be a good idea to look at getting a foundation with one of these in it.

Foundation Helps cover up blemishes and prevents acne

So one of the most basic purposes of a foundation is to blend with your natural skin tone and hide blemishes. These can be spots in the skin that have discoloration, or they can be marks or scars as well. This effect is dependent on the type of foundation and how much of it that you use. Of course, one of the reasons that people don’t want to wear foundation is for fear of an acne breakout, but did you know that some foundations help prevent that.

The main cause of these breakouts is normally due to their being a build of oil in the skin, this is what causes most acne outbreaks, and since a lot of foundations have oils, they can increase the problem. But if you want the comfort and option of a foundation without worrying about this, I would suggest switching to a powder foundation. 

A powder-based foundation works great for this kind of problem because it allows you to have the coverage of a foundation while absorbing oil rather than dispersing it to the skin. This not only will let you wear a foundation without having to worry about an outbreak but help to reduce your chances of a regular breakout as well.

Foundation can help keep you safe from the sun

The last detail is a funny one but makes a lot of sense when you think about it. The makeup that you wear can act as a buffer between you and the rays of the sun. This can help prevent over-exposure to your skin and the weathering effect that so many people see. Now the regular foundation is not strictly designed as a sunblock, but many share ingredients in common with them that are enough to help.

If you want to be safe, be sure to check the back of foundations to see if they have an SPF rating. This means that it was tested to block the sun and will have the best chance of protection. Some foundations are even marketed as being a sunblock as well, so this is even better.

I hope this article helped you understand that it is okay to use foundation every day as long as you take care of how you use it. If you have more questions about makeup, then please look around the site. I have articles on everything from.

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