How To Do Soap Brows?

Sometimes it can be hard to find a genuinely new look that complements your features. It can be even harder to find a look that will use your natural features, but that is where soap brows come in.

So I thought that I would make this guide to help you achieve your own look with soap brows.

What are soap brows?

Soap brows are one of the more recent trends in fashion, and they are a truly fascinating way to add style to your look. The whole idea of soap brows is that you take a basic material like a bar of soap and style your eyebrows. This process only requires a few different steps, and with it, you can deftly improve your look.

The looks started to appear in 2019 and began to snowball in popularity due to its use by music and movie makeup artists. This increased popularity led to a large-scale spreading of the look. Now it is becoming a good way for anyone to style their eyebrows.

Products specifically for soap brow styling have also started to emerge. These tools are great because they allow soap brows to be taken to the next level. They aren’t even scary to achieve a great look with soap brows.

I am sure that soap brows continue to evolve in both tools and styles as they grow in popularity.

So with all of this in mind, we will continue finding exactly how soap brows can help make you look better.

How do soap brows make you look?

It is fair to say that eyebrows are one of the least attended parts of a look. Even when we concentrate on them, it usually comes down to either plucking them or shaving them off and penciling in new ones. This is where soap brows begin to shine because they use the browser you already have and increase their natural beauty.

Soap brows can do this because you are taking a glycerin-based soap and using it to style your eyebrows. The soap you use will allow you to add a bushy and full look to your eyebrows. It is also common.

This not only looks natural but helps to draw attention to your eyes using a natural feature. So if you have things like natural blonde highlights in your hair, then you are in luck. Using the soap brows method will help bring out natural features like this. As you can imagine, everyone has features that they are probably unaware of, and this is a great way to find them and bring them out.

So now that you know what soap brows are, you need to know how to apply them and what to use. Fortunately, that is what we are going to cover next.

How to do soap brows?

Now we’ve come to the part where we go over how to apply your soap brows. Fortunately, it is very easy to do so. You can use all basic versions of what we will mention here, but making it easier, I have a recommendation for everything in the next section below.

Step 1.

First, you are going to want to get your supplies together. You will need to get a spoolie which you may or may not have. If you don’t, they often come in soap brows kits, or you can get them from a makeup store if you need to.

The next step is to get your bar of soap and your scented mist ready. The bar of soap can be any type though it is ideal if it is a glycerine-based soap for holding purposes. The scented mist adds a nice smell to your brows as the soap you are using won’t be scented more often than not. It can also help lather your soap up for the process.

Step 2.

Now that you have all of the items together, we can begin. First, either go ahead and take a little water or your scented spray and begin to lather up your soap. This process should only take thirty seconds at max. Once you are fully lathered up, you may begin applying them to your eyebrows.

You will use the spoolie to gently apply the soap by stroking the brush upwards on your brows. This motion will help fill the eyebrows out and give you the fluffy and natural look you want. Continue for about a minute doing this to ensure that you have the look you want.

You should be done at this stage, and as a bonus, you should now have brought out the highlighted hairs you have.

Now it is technically okay for you to be done at this point and finish getting ready to go out. But if you want just an extra way to add some style to your brows, you can add whatever products you want to it. These can be stylers or conditioners but try not to destroy the look you just spent your time cultivating.

What should I use for soap brows?

When it comes to soap brows, you need very few materials to pull off the look. That has been said. Few are better than others. So I thought that it might be a good idea to leave you with my recommendations. These are just some suggestions that will let you have a more positive experience overall. these links are going to be affilate links to help support the site.

Bars of soap

The soap bar is one of the two base components you need to achieve this look. Now you can use any type of bar of soap that you can find. Even a dollar bar is sufficient for this type of look. You can go further with it, so I thought I would include a few suggestions here.

if you want more than just a simple bar of soap than i would suggest this pack of dove bar soap. it is good for your skin as it is for brows. click here to see it.


Now Spoolies will either be the easiest thing for you to acquire or the most difficult. But either way, I thought I would make some suggestions here.

try this 100 pack of Spoolies from Amazon for a cheap and effective solution to your needs. click here.

Scented mists

Scented mists are not necessary for soap brows, but they can certainly improve the process. They add scent to your soap and allow you to do the process instead of needing water.

if you want to try a scented mist that start with this one from Victoria’s Secret here

Things to be careful of with soap brows

Soap brows are a safe process, but there are a few things that you will want to keep in mind if you do use this look.

Soap in eyes

This is the most problematic of all the issues because it can happen during the application or the day. It shouldn’t happen during application but be mindful of how much soap you are using, and where it is going, a little goes a long way.

The second happens as your sweat during the day. If you think that you will be sweating a lot, either skip this look or use a permeant hold on it.

Soap disrupting the foundation

This usually occurs during the application of this look. To prevent it from happening to you, apply it with extreme care to avoid hitting your foundation. You can also apply your foundation, which will make the process easier, and you won’t have to worry about messing it up.

How long the hold will last

The last thing you will need to worry about will be how long the look will hold. In all honesty, it will only hold for a few hours at most during an active day. That is why this look is best applied for special events or gatherings to make the most of it.

If you want to learn more about Natural makeup check out our article on Can Vaseline Petroleum Jelly Remove Dark Spots here.

You could also take the kit with you like everything in it is easily portable. I don’t know how well you could apply this out in the world, but you could certainly try.

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