How long Does Mascara Last And How To Make It Go Longer?

So when you’re going to invest in your long-term makeup, it is important to keep in mind how long the components will last. Because of this, it makes a lot of sense to know how long your mascara will last before you invest a lot of money in it. Now, this is not to say that you can’t buy mascara. You should just know how long it will last beforehand.

How long does mascara last? Well, there is some leeway on this. The majority of mascaras will only last 3 to 6 months. This time limit goes for most brands and styles of mascara as well.

But this is only part of the question, and I’m sure you have many more that you would like answered so that you can get the full value out of your mascara. Well, that is why I have gone ahead and made this handy guide so that you can have the full mascara look that you want for as long as you can get it.

How long does my mascara last, and why?

The most common length of time that mascara remains viable is anywhere from 3 to 6 months. This depends on the brand and the type of mascara you are using, but it is almost the answer for all. If you want a specific number, check it out on the back of the mascara bottle. There will be a number representing the amount of time you can keep it.

But why do mascaras only last this long? The answer is because of two significant factors. One is the chemicals and ingredients used in mascara can only go for so long. The second is that your mascara can pick out a certain amount of germs as it is used. Both of these are big contributors to how long you can use mascara.

The limit exists for both of these because they can contribute to major eye problems with the mascara being used past the date. The symptoms of using a past expiration date mascara can range anywhere from irritation up to a full-blown eye infection. The date is so important to keep track of because it can cause major health problems if you do not.

You can tell me the mascara is approaching its expiration date or has already hit it by how dry it is. The closer you get to the expiration date, the dryer your mascara will get in, the harder it will be to use. This drying is one of the big indicators that it might be time to go ahead and buy a new mascara from your favorite brand.

I’ve only had my mascara for a month, and it is already starting to dry out?

You’ve read so far that drying out usually means that your mascara is approaching the end with usefulness. But every once in a while, you’ll find that after only a few weeks or even a month but use the mascara becomes fully dried out. It can even get so bad at some point that it can even be usable. Why is this, and how do I fix it?

Your mascara probably became dried out in this instance because you probably did not seal the cap properly. It might’ve not threaded correctly, or you may have been in a hurry and not noticed that it wasn’t sealed all the way. It can be a bad problem if you don’t use mascara regularly. The next time you go to use it on your eyes, it is just a bunch of dried-out makeup that you can’t use. Fortunately, there are some ways to salvage it.

One of the most common ways to salvage dried-out makeup like mascara used to go ahead and seal the tube completely by screwing the cap on. After this, your head put water in a cup and heated it in the microwave for 30 seconds to get nice warm water. Once you have nice warm water, go ahead and put your lipstick tube in the cup.

We will leave the mascara tube in there for about five minutes. After the five minutes is up in your head, remove the mascara tube and open it. Do you wanna find a much looser and more liquidy mascara for you to use.

Never common solution is to use just the tiniest amount of saline solution and put it into the makeup tube. This doesn’t have to be very much, only about 3 to 5 drops as necessary to achieve the desired effect. Once you’ve added the drops, use your mascara wand to go ahead and stir the ceiling solution into the mascara. It should be enough to revitalize the makeup and let it be useful to you again.

The last solution that I have is that you can use in a pinch if you don’t happen to have a saline solution on you. You can take a very fine and small amount of olive oil and mix it into your mascara. You may want to use a very small measuring cup or even just a teaspoon and use only the smallest amount to bring back your mascara. This can also have a moisturizing effect when mixed into your mascara.

check out this video for more explanation on the olive oil.

It should always be noted, though, that once your mascara has hit its expiration date, you should always toss it and go get a new one. After all, I want you to be safe and healthy while working your best.

Do the same rules apply to things like eyeliner and eyeshadow?

Yes, eyeliner and eyeshadow fall under the same timing and expiration date rules as your mascara does. It has to be said that they have different expiration dates than your mascara. So you won’t be able to just use them all on the same timetable.

Suppose you’re worried about the expiration date for your eyeshadow when you were in luck. It has one of the longest shelf lives available. The average life of eyeshadow is about a year, and while it could hypothetically go more, you should be safe and stick to this timeline.

When it comes to your eyeliners, you will have to do some research depending on which type you have. In general, if you have a pencil eyeliner, you’re better off with a year and a half timeline. If you use gel eyeliner, you would be looking at about an eight-month expiration date.

So depending on when you buy these products for your mascara, you might find you have to coordinate different trips as these will all not go bad at the same time. As always, just be sure to check the back of the packaging or the tube for your chosen type of makeup to get the manufacturer’s recommended timeline.

I hope this article on how long mascara lasts and how to make it last longer will help you with your future makeup decisions. If you’d like to read more articles from us, please check out this article on How do you revive dried out mascara here.

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