How Do You Revive Dried Out Mascara?

One of the most annoying things that can set you back with your makeup kit is when you open your mascara to find it dried out. This is incredibly inconvenient, and I am sure that your first thought is going to be that you have to throw it away and buy a new one. But you might not have to do that, so I would recommend holding off until you read this whole article.

How can I revive my dried-out mascara? There are a few different ways to revive dried-out mascara that range from adding types of oil to it to using heat. The type of method will yield different results on the type of mascara that you use.

Know that you have a little bit of a better idea of what you might do to restore your mascara. I am sure that you have some questions. Well, don’t worry because we will go over a few different methods for you to use to revive your makeup. Just remember that while many of these are creative solutions, nothing can overcome the passage of time, so be sure to ditch your mascara after 3 to 6 months.

Can baby oil fix mascara?

It is not uncommon to use oil as a solution to fix dried-out mascara. One of the reasons for this is probably because people have at least one form of oil in their house, so it does make sense. The fact that baby oil is common in most houses is probably where this hack came from, but that does not make it any less valid. As a matter a fact, many people like using oil, including baby oil.

The method for applying this is simple. You will just add a few drops of baby oil into your mascara and then use the wand to begin to mix them. You can also screw the cap back on and shake the container well. This should ensure that you can revitalize the mascara. The key thing to be careful about is flooding your mascara, so only use a few drops. Even if it is still dry, only use a few more.

Something else that you should be aware of is that baby oil can irritate the eye. So it is not always the best choice, but if it doesn’t bother you, then it is something that you can always have on hand.

Can olive oil fix dried mascara?

As we discussed in the last section, oils are a very common remedy for revitalizing dried-out mascaras, so we will take a look at another one. In this case, we will be looking into how to use olive oil this time. While it is strange to use olive oils as a solution for a cosmetic, it is quite practical and useful.

For one thing, if you use olive oil for cooking, then you will find that you have ready access to it. This is useful in the pinch situation where your mascara dries out overnight, and you need to bring it back in a hurry. There is also a bonus that olive oil can feel nice on your skin as long as you aren’t allergic to it. It can even add a lustrous shine to your eyelashes that can add to your beauty.

Adding the olive oil to your mascara is just as simple as you think that it would be. The process begins when you unscrew the cap to your mascara and add just a few drops of olive oil. Next, you will use the wand to stir the oil into the mascara. Add a few more drops to your mascara is still dry but be sure not to flood the mascara.

How does coconut oil fix dried mascara?

The last type of oil that we are going to talk about in this article is coconut oil. This is a good choice for repairing mascara for a couple of different reasons ranging from its use in cosmetics to its benefits. These should make coconut oil near the top of your list to repair dried-out mascara.

The first of these is that coconut oil is used to produce a lot of cosmetics already. This is because it is a natural solution that helps keep the products in a moist state. It also tends to have a hydrating effect on people, which is why it is so popular.

So as you can imagine, there are a few different benefits but one word of warning. Make sure that you are not allergic to coconut oil before using it. The last thing you want is an allergic reaction around your eyes, so be safe with this.

This application works the same as the other oils that we have covered thus far. You will open the cap of your mascara and put a few drops of coconut oil in. Then you will use your wand to stir it in to restore it to a more liquid state.

Can I add water to mascara?

When your makeup becomes dried out, one of the first thoughts that might cross your mind is adding water to the tube. Do not do this. It will ruin the consistency of your makeup and make it useless. There is a way that mascara can be revived by water, and it is by submerging the tube rather than putting the water in it.

You can restore your mascara to a usable state by heating some water in a cup. Once the water is heated, make sure that the cap is completely secure to your makeup. Now place it in the cup and leave it for five to ten minutes. After this, you should take it out and use it once again.

Why does mascara dry out?

There are various reasons that mascara might dry out and become useless, but two are most common. One is that it has hit its expiration date. The second is that you may not have sealed it properly, and it dried out over a period of time.

If it is the first that you encounter, you are better off throwing out the mascara and buying a new one. This is due to the variety of issues from using expired mascara. These include the breakdown of the chemicals in the mascara itself and the heightened chance of bacteria growing. Both increase the likelihood of eye irritation and even possibly eye infection. So don’t risk it and just toss the mascara.

The other scenario leaves you more to work with, though. Suppose you happen to leave the cap to your mascara unsealed. Then you should feel free to try a couple of these solutions. That way, you don’t have to feel like you are throwing your money away.

See our article here on how to remove water proof mascara.

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