How Do You Remove Makeup Foundation Stains Fast and Easy?

makeup foundation stains
makeup foundation stains

How do you remove makeup foundation stains fast? How fast can you remove foundation from your clothes, and how fast can you remove foundation from your face?

We have all been there; you are in a hurry, and unfortunately, you have realized that you have splattered some foundation on the front of your clothing; please tell me how I can get this stain out fast!

There are different types of foundations and there are different types of fast removal options.




These can all be removed fast with different proper removal techniques, and you will find the solutions to help with the removal of stains quickly from foundation makeups.

What to do when you have a big glob of foundation on your clothing. First, scrape off the excess with the edge of a spoon or a blunt butter knife. Then blot the stained area with a cloth or paper towel. Then you can treat the stain.

There is a couple of secret ways to remove makeup foundation stains fast from your clothing.

Laundry Detergent or Liquid Dish Soap.

1.    You can use cold water to dampen the stained part of your clothing. You don’t have to get the whole article of clothing wet, just focus on the stained area.

2.    You will add a few drops of liquid dish soap on the stained area and let it sit for a couple on the stained spot for a few minutes.

3.    Then you will gently rub the stained area by using a wet cloth or using your finger. This will help break up the oils inside from the makeup spot.


Shaving Cream is also a fabulous tool to remove makeup fast from your clothes.

1.    The proper shaving cream to use is foam shaving cream. The foam shaving will work the makeup out.

2.    You will apply the shaving cream on the spot and allow the shaving cream to sit for 2-4 minutes. This will allow the shaving cream two work its magic.

3.    Gently rub the shaving cream into the makeup stain.

4.    Once you have waited a couple of minutes and if the make is still visible, add a little bit of rubbing alcohol to the area, watch closely, then rinse with water.

Further Thoughts on makeup foundation stains

5.    If concerned about the effects of rubbing alcohol, use sparingly and watch closely.

6.    Rinse the stain with cold water. You will carefully rinse out all the shaving cream. Do not use hot water!  Use cold water on your first rinse. Then check to see if all the foundation has been removed.

7.    If there is still a foundation, then repeat the treatment. Apply a little more shaving cream and try again. Then this time, you will rinse with warm water or hot water.

The warm water will help break down any remaining shaving cream and any stubborn foundation makeup already set into the fabric.

8.    Blot the area with a clean, dry towel. You will rinse out the stain, gently pat the stained area dry. The with a blotting motion to help lift out the remaining water and any of the lingering traces of the stain.

9. After you have the spot treated, the stained area and any residual traces of makeup along with any shaving cream.  If the article of clothing is to be hand-washed, do so and allow it to air dry, or feel free to toss the garment into the washing machine.


1.    ISOLATE the stained area and dampen the stained area with water. Dampen the area with cool water. You will dampen the area. Do Not Soak the area. When you apply the solvent, then spread and allow it to break up the stain. When you are dealing with a delicate article of clothing, we recommend using a spray bottle to be applying the solvent.

2.    Liquid Dish Soap is the perfect solvent for removing Oil-Based Foundation Stains. The right liquid dish soap to use is dish hand washing soap. Do Not Use dishwasher detergent; this is much harsher. You will apply a dish soap that is an oil and grease-fighting to directly onto the stain then you will allow it to work for a few minutes. The liquid dish soap is gentler than the dishwashing detergent. This will give you the ability to break up the oil-based makeup stain.

3.    You will gently rub the detergent in with your fingertips and a damp cloth. Gently work the detergent onto the stain allowing it to break up the oils in the makeup. You may find that you will need to use a soft-bristled toothbrush. If the article of clothing is very delicate, then using the back of a spoon is recommended for rubbing the detergent.

Blotting is important

4.    When removing the Stain, blot the area with a clean, dry towel. Gently take the clean cloth or use a paper towel and press it onto the treated area.  

5.    use cool water to remove the detergent.  When the stain has been lifted out with the help of a towel, they are needs to be gently rinsed in the spot area to remove any of the remaining detergent and makeup. Suppose you are stilling with the remaining residue. You will blot with a towel and repeat the treatment process. You may find that this process needs to be done a couple of times to ensure the removal of an oil-based liquid stain.

6.    PRETREAT STUBBORN STAINS, with laundry detergent, and you can also use regular laundry detergent to pre-treat a makeup stain. Make sure you always double-check the labels of your clothing. This will let you know what the best detergents that are safe to use are. If the article of clothing is labeled as a delicate garment, then follow the directions for handwashing the delicate clothes.

Watch the delicate items closely, so no damage appears.

7.    Wash the article of clothing as you usually would. Once the stain has been treated, feel free to follow the cleaning direction on the garment carefully to prevent damage. This should eliminant any lingering makeup.


1.    The first step to removing powder foundation stains Is to blow away any excess powder. DO NOT RUB IN! You want to remove the powder foundation gently bow off with a blow-dry on low settings or use your mouth.

2.    If you have made a mistake and the powder has been rubbed into the article of clothing. You will need to remove the stain by adding a few drops of a liquid soap directly to the stained area. If the piece of clothing is delicate, try a spot test of the soap in a discrete location.

3.    You will take a clean cloth, or sponge get it wet, then wring out the extra water. You will begin by gently rubbing the stain to work in the soap, removing the powder slowly. When the stain is out, rinse the cloth or sponge out.

4.    When you are done treating the stain, then blot out the excess water and soap. You only want to blot DO NOT RUB. Blotting will keep the article of clothing in good condition rubbing could fray the fabric in the clothing.

5.    Once you have spot treated the stain, you can wash the article of clothing.


1. Avoid using any damaging scrubbing methods.

2. Gently dab and use soft circular movements; this will lift eye makeup off with ease.

3. You can take your daily cleanser and massage the cleanser over your face; let it sit for 20 seconds.

4. Make sure you massage your cleanser all over your face, including under your chin, around your ears, and your hairline.

5. Then, remove with a wet white cotton washcloth; this allows you to see the makeup you have removed from your face.

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