How Do I Repair my Damaged Hair?

We do so much to our hair. We don’t realize how much stress we apply to our hair.

We will give you some options that you can easily do for reviving and making your hair stronger, fuller and shiny.

*Avoid hairstyles that pull on the hair.

*Avoid high-heat hair styling tools.

*Don’t chemically treat or bleach your hair.

*Use a shampoo that is mild and suited for your hair type.

*Use a soft brush made from natural fibers.

*Try low-level light therapy.

* Proper nutrition.

*Vitamins & Supplements.


Keeping a regular hair washing regimen is very important. When washing your hair daily may help protect against hair loss. Washing your hair every day keeps the scalp healthy and clean. You want to remove any build-up that can accumulate on the scalp. You don’t want to unblock the hair follicle rooted from the scalp. If your scalp or hair shaft is blocked, it can’t breathe, and it can cause many issues like dandruff irritations, hot spots on the scalp, or extra buildup of oils that smoother the scalp and hair, which can lead to the hair thinning and falling out. So, it is essential to keep your scalp clean and healthy.

Using a gentle shampoo will do the job beautifully. By using a mild shampoo, it will not dry out your hair and your scalp, so you can use the gentler shampoo every day without drying out your scalp and hair. You want to stay away from harsh formulas shampoos. Harsh formula shampoos can result in dry hair and will lead to hair breakage and worse hair loss.


We pull and tug on our hair aggressively every day. You may not realize how much stress you do to your hair and scalp daily. This miss treatment due to our hair and scalp can result in excessive hair loss. We use heat styling tools like curling and straightening irons that cause damage that damages and breaks the hair shaft; this includes blow dryers.

When using your hot irons and straightening irons, try to stay away from the hottest setting. When using a blow dryer, use the lower heat setting, or you can buy a diffuser this will cut the stress on your hair. If you can do it, try letting your hair air dry.

Pulling the hair back in the same position every day will cause stress, resulting in hair falling out. These every day stress are ponytails and or tight braids.

Hair brushing your hair should be done with hairbrushes designed with natural fibers. Brushes with natural fibers are less likely to cause static cling, which will cause knots.


Chemical treatments can raise significant problems for your hair right down to your scalp. Chemical treatments are hair color and perming. These treatments will cause breaking and even hair loss. You want to avoid hair processing that uses ammonia, peroxide, and para-phenylenediamine (PPD). There are alternative options so Inquire with your hairstylist about alternatives, like organic hair dyes.


Proper nutrition can make a significate difference in the look and feel of your hair. Hair follicles are made mainly of a protein called keratin.

Studies show eating a rich diet rich in protein may help prevent hair loss and overall firmer, fuller, shinier hair.

To keep your hair in the best shape possible, incorporate a nutritional food balance. Healthy choices include eggs, nuts, beans, and peas, along with fish, low-fat dairy products, chicken, and turkey. Some of the best ingredients for keeping the keratin strong in your hair include basil, parsley, salad greens more than three times a week.


Vitamin A is composed in part of retinoids, which have been shown to increase the rate of hair growth. Vitamin may also help with sebum production, which helps keep the scalp healthier and allow more hairs to grow.

You can find vitamin A in the following foods, sweet pepper, spinach, along sweet potatoes.


Adding the right Multivitamins to your balanced diet helps strengthen from within. The multivitamins that will help keep your hair and scalp healthier and strong are vitamins A, B, C, D, IRON, SELENIUM, AND ZINC are very important to proper hair growth and retention processes, specifically with cell turnover. It is essential to help your hair go through its growing rotation, then a resting stage, then a falling out stage; the average shedding stage is50 to 100 strands of hair a day.


Biotin is a combination of H or B7 is involved in fatty acids synthesis in the body. This is a process that is essential to the hair life cycle. Speak to your doctor about taking three to five milligrams daily.


Vitamin D is associated with nonscarring alopecia. Studies have shown that vitamin D works well in treating deficiencies that may help regrowth. Talk to your doctor about taking 800 to 1000 IU daily.


Ginseng contains certain phytochemicals that may promote hair growth on the scalp. Speak to your doctor about a recommended amount.


This herb has been related to helping men maintain levels of testosterone. Saw palmetto has improved hair growth in 60 percent of participants. The dosage for getting these results is 200 milligrams daily.


Essential Oils may help reduce hair loss. Different combinations of oils will help stimulate the regrowth of your hair.

Essential oils considered are lemongrass, lavender, and even peppermint. When you combine a couple of drops of all these oils with a couple of tablespoons of carrier oil, like jojoba or grapeseed, apply to the scalp for 10 minutes. Then wash out with your gentle shampoo.


We all agree that a good scalp massage feels terrific. But did you know that doing scalp massages a couple of times a week can help stimulate your scalp?

Take a minute after you have showered to massage the scalp. This is an excellent time because your scalp is fresh, clean, and soft for wet. When you massage your scalp, do not use your fingernails. You will get the best results when you massage your scalp with your fingertips the pads of your finger and gently rotate in circular motions all through your scalp. When massaging your scalp, it brings blood to the surface, which helps feed and stimulate hair’s regrowth.


When striving to replenish your hair loss or looking to create beautiful lushes’ hair. Every process you choose will take anywhere from 4 to 6 months with dedication before showing any signs of improvement in repairing and stimulating healthier hair.

We hope you enjoyed our review.

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