How can I regain my lost hair?

How can I regain my lost hair? This is a question that is being asked more and more. It is a question that ways heavy on our emotions. There could be a physical reason or other options. We will discuss cause and help ways to replace the loss of your hair.

Why do we lose hair?

What is hair loss? Why do we lose our hair? Several symptoms cause the reaction in resulting in hair loss. We all have heard of male pattern baldness. Many of us didn’t realize that women can also suffer from female pattern baldness. The pattern of baldness that forms in men and women derives from Androgenic Alopecia. The reason that triggers the onset of Androgenic Alopecia in men is when they reach the age of 50 and over. Androgenic Alopecia is started in women when women have experienced Menopause.

Hair loss can stem from different reasons. The reasons can be hormone imbalances, genetics, autoimmune diseases, stress, nutritional deficiencies, or a fungal condition. There are some straightforward ways to help to regrow hair naturally.

Signs of Female pattern baldness.

The likely hood of women going completely bald is a slight chance. The likely hood of women having to deal with thinning hair is much more common. There are three common areas where women become bald.

*Thinning begins in a small amount around the hair part.

*Thinning is very wide in the part sections.

*Thinning throughout the top of the scalp.

Women can also experience baldness during the taking of medications and or treatments, along with hormone changes that can occur during pregnancy or menopause.

Signs of Male pattern baldness.

The signs for male pattern baldness can occur for different reasons. Men’s causes for pattern baldness are different than women’s causes. We have mentioned that Androgenic Alopecia can cause men’s baldness for ages of 50 or older, but there can be other factors.

*Baldness could be caused by genetics.

*Baldness can occur by cancers.

*Baldness can occur due to medications.

Healthy ways to naturally regrow your hair.

One of the easiest ways to help stimulate the regrowth of your hair can be done in your shower. Massaging your scalp is one way of stimulating regrowth. When shampooing your hair, take a minute or two and massage your scalp gently with your fingertips. When you massage your scalp, the messaging stimulates the blood under your scalp to circulate the cells, which generates stimulations that help soften and relax the scalp relieving the stiffness that clogs the hair follicles, which doesn’t allow the hair to be able to grow.

Massaging Properly.

It would be best to massage your scalp properly and at least every other day. You will want to massage your scalp with your fingertips; you don’t want to use your fingernails. The motions for stimulations should be performed in small circles, along with applying medium pressure. There is no set time amount. It is about giving the proper amount of time to massage the head.

Hair Oiling.

Hair Oiling is a method of pouring oil on your scalp and throughout your hair. The process of hair oiling will regenerate activity. When you massage the hot oil throughout your hair and scalp, it will provide moisture, luster, and shine. Hair oiling will soften the hair and provide vitamins and minerals stripped from the daily washing and elements.

The Benefits.

The benefit of oils helps protect the hair shafts. It helps fill in weak points in the cuticle cells. We lose vital nutrients in the hair strands with even the everyday stress of everyday life and the elements. When you apply a hot oil treatment to the hair, it will protect it from the elements. Oiling your hair regularly will reduce stressed-out hair. You are leaving it with a beautiful shine.

There are different types of hot oils treatments, and depending on what your hair is missing for vitamins will depend on what type of hot oil you should choose.

Oils that can be used.

*Sesame Oil.

*Coconut Oil.

*Jaborandi Oil.

*Almond Oil.

*Moringa Oil.

*Argan Oil.

*Amal Oil.

*Bhringraj Oil.

These types of oils are bioenergy or life forces that make up the body’s constitution.

Applying Hot Oil.

*Pour the oil into the palms of your hands, then add to your hair and scalp.

*Apply oil on your scalp and massage with your fingertips using a circular motion.

 *Cover your head with a shower cap or towel and leave in overnight.

* The following day, shampoo your hair, removing any excess oil.

* Apply your conditioner as usual.

Coconut Oil.

Coconut oil can be a very valuable asset in helping build your hair to be stronger. The ingredient beneficial in protecting your hair is Lauric Acid, a fatty acid. Lauric Acid will penetrate the hair shaft and reduce protein loss from the hair.

Take your coconut oil and massage it into your dry or wet hair all over your scalp. This doesn’t promote hair growth, but it will protect and breakage and lubricate the hair shaft.

To make the best use of coconut oil, the recommendation is to use it before or after washing your hair.

Aloe Vera.

We use aloe vera in many ways to help with healing. Did you know you can use aloe vera to help regrow hair you have lost? Well, aloe vera can help soothe the scalp and condition your hair. The aloe will unblock hair follicles that are blocked by excess oils. Aloe will also help reduce the issue with dandruff.

The best form of aloe vera to use on your scalp is to use aloe vera gel. You will simply apply your aloe vera gel to your scalp a few times per week. There are shampoo and conditioners on the market to help stimulate hair regrowth.

Omega Fatty Acids.

Omega Fatty Acids have been formatted into an omega supplement. Taking omega supplements and antioxidants will help improve the density and diameter of your hair. Omega fatty acids will help strengthen your cells, making them work properly, boosting your immunity, and reducing hair loss.

For the best result, ask your doctor. You will be able to subscribe to the amount your body needs so you can replace the proper amount of protein and nutrients you need.


Viviscal natural hair growth supplement. Viviscal is designed to promote hair growth. This is formatted for people who deal with thinning hair and hair loss. Viviscal will encourage hair growth with a natural hair growth supplement.

Visual contains a complex ingredient known as AminoMar C. This ingredient combines shark and mollusk powder. The component is organic silica and vitamin C. These are derived from the acerola cherry.

Viviscal works pills that are taken twice daily for at least 6months to produce results. Viviscal also has designed shampoo and a conditioner.

Regrowing Hair from within with Vitamins.

When regrowing your hair again, there are many out there that say they can do the trick, but the facts are you want the proper vitamins that will do the job because the vitamins need to replace the vitamins and nutrients that your body is losing, and the result is thinning hair.

Six vitamins are qualified to do the job right. You will want to focus on the following ingredients to be on the right track. When you pick your vitamins, make sure you are consistent and follow the instructions to replace your hair. You will need to take your vitamin supplement to replace your hair loss for a couple of months.

Vitamins that promote hair growth.

*Reishi Mushroom.

Reishi Mushrooms are valuable for many different types of healing. In this situation, they stimulate blood circulation, which will boost your blood and supports your immune system, helping to promote healthy, strong hair.

*Hydrolyzed Collagen.

You will see that hydrolyzed collagen will build the keratin. Keratin is what most hair is made of. The hydrolyzed collagen works in two ways to strengthen your hair. You will see that it will repair damaged hair and help promote new growth.


Biotin works on damaged hair done by over-styling your hair. The biotin will help rebuild your hair. Make sure your biotin has at least 2,500 mcg per serving for the best results.

*Saw Palmetto.

Saw Palmetto is a potent berry extract that targets the natural regulation of hormones that play a role in hair loss. Palmetto with a minimum of 320mg, which is the dose that resulted in the most effective.


We have found that Tocotrienols are loaded with vitamin E. Vitamin E has been shown to protect against environmental damage and promote growing strong hair.

*Flaxseed Oil.

Flaxseed Oil is a combination of Omega-3 fatty acids. The omega-3 will promote a shiny appearance along with a healthy scalp.

These are vitamins that have been proven to help promote hair growth. You will need to follow the directions on the vitamin supplements for a couple of months to stimulate proper hair growth.

When should you see a doctor?

The typical amount of hair loss is 50 to 100 strands per day.

If you are dealing with more hair loss than is considered average. It would be worth it to you to go to a doctor so you can get a console for a proper diagnosis.

Consistency is important.

When wanting to improve your hair, it is essential to develop a plan and be consistent. When you choose a treatment, stick with the complete treatment, it can take months before you notice any difference.

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