Can COVID-19 Cause my Hair to Fall Out?

We were all taken back from the Coronavirus Pandemic. It was so unexpected and stressful from so much miss information. It effectived every aspect of everyone’s lives. The world shut down from this pandemic. We are into a couple years into the pandemic and things are still very much up in the air as to what to do to live with in this Pandemic of Coronavirus Pandemic (Covid-19) along with the effects.

Temporary Hair Loss.

Hair loss is normal after a fever or illness. Fever is one of the symptoms of Covid-19. When recovering from a high fever from illness, many people can witness significant hair loss.

Many notices their hair shedding two to three months after having a fever or illness. You will most likely notice handfuls of hair can come out when you shower or brush your hair. This hair shedding can last from six to nine months before you will see the shedding stop.

While many people mistake hair loss, when they are experiencing actual cycle of hair shedding. The medical name is hair shedding is telogen effluvium. This happens when more hairs than normal enter the shedding (telogen) phase of the hair growth lifecycle at the same time. When dealing with a fever or and illness it can force more of the hairs to be forced into the shedding phase.

Telogen Effluvium.

Telogen Effluvium cause noticeable hair shedding. The only symptom to experience you should expect from Telogen Effluvium. If you have a rash, itchy scalp, or burning, something then the telogen effluvium is likely causing your hair loss, and this would be the time you will want to consult a dermatologist.


Even if you contracted COVID-19, you can still be dealing with hair loss. The emotional stress from COVID-19 can force more hairs than normal into the shedding phase. We are all dealing with stress and anxious with the pandemic.

The average hair shedding will last from two to three months after the starts.

You may be seeing hair falling out in clumps can and will add to your stress, it is very important to try and de-stress yourself. Once you can deal with stress you will find that the excessive shedding will stop.

Will my Hair return to Normal?

When your hair shedding is caused from a fever, illness, or stress, hair should return to normal on its own. The hardest part is giving your body time to recover, and your hair should grow back as well. You can expect to visually start seeing short hairs that are all the same length by your hairline. Most people see their hair regain its normal fullness within six to nine months.

When dealing with hair loss is caused by some other issue than telogen effluvium from stress or a fever, you should consult with hair-loss expert, a dermatologist.


A Dermatologist is a type of doctors that specialize in the treating the skin, hair, and nails. These doctors have expertise and the tool to be able to identify what you are dealing with and will be able to treat and help you take care of your situation with the best treatment.

The sooner you address the issue the sooner you can begin to find the right treatment.


What is a Normal Loss of Hair?

Is it normal to lose any hair? Yes, it is normal to lose a certain amount of hair. how do you know what is the average amount of hair loss? The daily loss of hair to expect is 50 to 100 strands of hair a day. Because our bodies continually grow new hair and shed old hair. This is not a sign of hair loss it is the normal to shed some hair. The cycle of hair growth and shedding and even a dormant stage is how your hair growth process works.

If you are witnessing the signs of a receding hairline, or bald spots or a noticeable of overall thinning of hair loss you need to consult with a Board-certified dermatologists can successfully diagnose the cause of the hair loss.


When recovering from any illness it is important to eating a Balanced Diet.

You will want to concentrate on making sure your diet includes plenty of proteins, biotin, vitamins, and essential fatty acids to keep hair healthy, strong, and lustrous.

*Relieve stress and get proper rest.

Sleeping well is vital for recovering from stress. Stress is one of leading causes of hair failing out. Even if you may not have contracted (Covid 19) the stress due to the pandemic can raise havoc with our stress levels. Therefore, it is extremely important to find a way to relieve stress and get proper rest.

Use Gentle Products on your Hair.

*Avoid hairstyles that pull on the hair this would include no braids or ponytails. Once you have regrown the lost and damaged hair with stronger healthier hair than you can begin having braids and ponytails.

*Put off any chemical treatments until hair has been renewed stronger and fuller. Stay away from taking hot showers.

*Avoid using high heat styling tools on your already fragile hair. Use a soft hairbrush that is made from natural fibers.

Take the time to massage your scalp.

* Try taking the time to lightly massage your scalp. You can provide a very light massage to your own scalp. Massage gently with your fingertips do not use your fingernails. Gently take your fingertips and gently rotate in smaller circular motions.

Use a gentle shampoo.

*Using a gentle shampoo on your hair that helps to revitalize your hair is very important. You should be using a mild shampoo all the time. Stay away from shampoos that clog your scalp leaving it feeling and greasy or oily. When using a mild shampoo, it will leave your hair scalp and hair feeling clean and refreshed.

*Exercise when you can.

It is important to ensure good blood flow through exercise.

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