What Are The Different Types Of Lipstick for you?

types of lipstick
lipstick types

There are a lot of considerations that get thrown at you when you are picking out your makeup, and one of the things that most people forget about is the different types of lipstick. It is more t likely that somebody just threw you out into the world said, pick a makeup without explaining the different types. So with that in mind, I have gone ahead and created this guide so that you can know exactly what the types are. 

What are the different types of lipstick?

There are six different types of lipstick that do not overlap.

  1. Sheer lipstick
  2. Gloss lipstick
  3. Lip liner
  4. Cream lipstick
  5. Frosted lipstick
  6. Matte lipstick

Now we will go over each of these in some detail so you can know which one you might like.

Sheer lipstick

Sheer lipstick is one of the most basic types you can find, and it is often one of the first that people try. A few aspects of sheer lipstick make it desirable for you to use, especially if you are not going to be using minimal makeup. This is both a strength and a weakness.

One of the big benefits of using sheer lipstick is that it tends to stand out. They usually tend to have a bright color palette when compared to some other lipsticks. This means that they are great for when you don’t have any other makeup on. Not only will it not have to worry about it clashing with different colors, but it stands out on its own. This can effectively make it the centerpiece of your look.

Sheer is Shinny

Sheer lipsticks are also known for their sheer constancy, which makes them shiny. Again this is great for when you want to draw some extra attention to your lips. It wants to be as prominent as a gloss, but it will stand out and give you the attention you deserve. 

There is another benefit to using sheer lipstick, and that has to do with what makes it sheer. Because of the need for these lipsticks to be sheer, they often have a high liquid concentration and come in liquid form. This has the added benefit of moisturizing the lips that they are applied to.

This is a great benefit of the lipstick if you are naturally prone to dry lips. So even on days that you might not be using a lot of makeup, these will prove a great benefit to you.

So there are many benefits to using sheer lipstick, but it is not the only one out there. Let’s go ahead and take a look at some of the other types.

Gloss lipstick

Next up is going to be a lipstick that is designed to stand out in the crowd. We are going to be talking about Gloss lipstick. This type of makeup shares a lot in common with lip gloss, but it is not the same. So let us go ahead and take a look at why you may want to use this lipstick.

The biggest advantage to lipgloss lies in how moist and shiny it is. From the moist point of view, it helps to keep your lips from drying out. This also prevents cracking and other potential issues that you can find while wearing some other makeup. 

The other benefit of using a high gloss lipstick is that it gives you the appearance of full lips. This is a big bonus if you think that your lips are too small to increase the apparent size. 


These bonuses make a gloss lipstick very appealing, but you have to wonder if there are any drawbacks. Well, there are a few drawbacks to using this type of lipstick. 

The biggest drawback is that these lipsticks rub off easily. So whether you are drinking or eating or something else, it is a good chance this will come off. Because of that, it might be considered necessary to carry around a tube of glossy lipstick to replace what is lost.

I also think that it would be worth noting that if you already have full lips, you can run the risk of making them look too large with glossy lipstick. This can make you look like you have fish lips if you aren’t careful, so beware of this before heading out into the world.  

Even with large lips, though, you can wear this lipgloss. You just have to be careful, is all. After all, you still might want to take advantage of the benefits of glossy lipstick, and you should.

Lip liner

So on this list, we cover various lipsticks, but it is funny that lip liner is here because it is not lipstick in the traditional sense. Instead, it is more of a tool designed to get you the perfect look with another lipstick. Because of this, it is considered not only a complementary piece of your makeup kit but a necessary one as well. So let’s go ahead and see why.

To start with, lip liner is often found in the shape of a pencil, yes a pencil how this particular process will work. The idea is that you will take the liner and trace around the natural butterfly shape of your lips and achieve a solid outline.

From there, you will be able to fill in the lips with another lipstick of your choice. This will work for you whether you use anything from liquid lipstick to matte lipstick. This is because there are different lip liners for different colors and consistencies. 

Lip Liner Benefits

There are some benefits to using a lip liner that makes it useful for more than just coloring inside the lines. One of these is the fact that it helps the lipstick that you apply to stay on. This is a big deal for a lot of lipsticks because it adds stability.

Lip liner can also be used to give yourself fuller lips and a perfect pout. This is a great benefit for matte users because it does have the natural sheen that a glossy lipstick does. This can make a big difference in your whole look. 

Lip liner is also some of the east to apply as you will just be able to apply around the lips to achieve your look. If you are having a hard time, warm the pencil tip using your fingers to make it soft. This should make the application easier.

Cream lipstick

Cream lipstick is a great choice for a variety of events for a variety of reasons. To understand the full benefits of this lipstick, we will go over the different functions it has. This will allow you to see what makes cream lipstick stand out for your makeup kit.

First, we should start with the fact that cream lipstick has a very Low gloss factor. This is because there is little oil in it, and instead, wax is used. The big advantage of this is that it means that this lipstick can be used for almost anything.

Whether you need a solid lipstick for work that will look nice but won’t draw too much attention, you could also be looking for nice stable lipstick for a night out with friends or even a date. This versatility makes cream lipstick great for almost every situation.

Part of what allows cream lipstick to be so useful is its staying power. A cream lipstick will last far longer than something like sheer lipstick. This is because of the wax that is used as the base for a cream lipstick. This means that you can drink, eat, and go about your day in every other way without having to worry about it coming off.

Negatives to cream-based lipsticks

There are two distinct downsides to using a cream-based lipstick, and one of them is with just how well the lipstick stays on. Once the lipstick is applied, it can be very intensive to remove; some require a makeup remover. Not only can this be a little bit of a pain at the end of the day, but it can be a bear if you smudge or over-apply the lipstick.

The other downside is that wax is one of the main ingredients in a cream lipstick. The wax will work to protect your lips from outside elements, but it also blocks moisture. This means that there is a high chance that your lips can dry out if your wear cream lipsticks a lot. 

To avoid this, I recommend exalting your lips and using moisturizer when not actively wearing your lipstick. This should prevent dehydration and cracking lips, among any other complications that can come from this.

Frosted lipstick

Next, we will cover lipstick that is great for people who want style and substance in one convent package, Frosted lipstick. This lipstick type is great for people who want to stand out from the crowd and make a statement. So to help you understand how to do that, let’s go ahead and take a look at what a frosted lipstick can do.

Frosted lipstick is designed to give your lips a metallic sheen. This adds a sparkle effect to your lips, and it is going to help you stand out in the crowd. This is great if you are going to a club or a bar. It can also be a good choice if you are heading to an informal party where you might want this kind of attention. 

Frosted Lipstick needs attention

This is a glamorous lipstick, but if you want to keep it at full shine, you may carry the tube around and retouch up for the night. The nature of frosted lipstick is more glitz and glitter, so it will come off easily. Just something to keep in mind as you go about your night. This goes the same for any pearl or metallic lipstick that you may have.

For the same reason you would want to wear this while you are out on the town, you don’t want to wear it at work. This glitter is designed to stick out and be seen, so it is not a great choice if you will be spending your day in an office for your job. This is not an issue if you don’t mind the attention, but you should be aware of it.

You need to also keep your lips hydrated and moisturized because frosted lipstick will take a toll on them. This is because frosted lipstick seals your lips off, so they will need some maintenance before and after.

Matte lipstick

Now for the last type of lipstick that we will go over, but it is by no means the least matte lipstick. Matte lipstick is undoubtedly one of the most common and popular lipsticks out there on the market. This is also one of the ones you are most familiar with just by imagery because it usually is in the lipstick tubes.

Matte lipstick is designed to cover the lips with color without standing out like glossy lipstick. This means that it is a good choice for various events ranging from work to going out on a date. You can also pick from almost any color for a matte lipstick, so you are covered there as well.

Matte lipstick is also long-lasting, so it will be a good companion if you look for low-maintenance lipstick. This means that it shouldn’t be a problem whether you are eating, drinking, or just going What are the different types of lipstick about your day. It may only have to be replied to once or twice a day if you have to at all.

Negatives to matte lipstick

The downside of matte lipstick is a wax-based solution and can lead to lips drying out. To avoid this, I highly recommend moisturizing your lips on occasion to keep any problems from occurring. 

I will also say that lipstick that comes in a matte format does not stand out very well. While there is a great benefit in this, sometimes you might just want a little attention. This is why some people use lip liner to bring attention to what is there; another option is to place a gloss over lips to increase their shine and people’s awareness of them.

I hope that this article helped you to figure out what the different types of lipsticks are. If you find that you need more advice, please feel free to look around the site. I have articles on everything from what foundation you should wear to if lipstick is safe to use.

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