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Can COVID-19 Cause my Hair to Fall Out?

We were all taken back from the Coronavirus Pandemic. It was so unexpected and stressful from so much miss information. It effectived every aspect of everyone’s lives. The world shut down from this...

How To Make Your Own Mascara?

Mascara is one of the easiest and more common ways to change or enhance your look, but some people don't want to buy it, whether because of price or what is added to the mascara. Instead, they would...

Hair Treatments for Thinning Hair.

Hair loss is on the rise, and it can take an emotional toll. There are different reasons for hair loss for women, and stress is a significant root cause of poor hair growth. Hormones also play an...

How Do I Repair my Damaged Hair?

We do so much to our hair. We don’t realize how much stress we apply to our hair. We will give you some options that you can easily do for reviving and making your hair stronger, fuller and...

How do I make my Hair Fuller?

How do I make my Hair Fuller? There is a different answer to this one question. Are you noticing a lot of hair strands showing in our shower drain or more strands of hair in your hairbrush? people...